We designed an FPS game using Unity 3D and integrated it with an Arduino device to study the effectiveness of physical feedback in increasing the immersion of FPS game.
1. Game
In the game, the player need to find the exit of a maze and dodge the monsters (the green cube) on the way. The character is equipped with a gun to kill the monsters. However, the bullets is limited. Also, when the character hit by the monster or bumped into the wall, its Health Points (HP) will decrease. When HP runs out, the character will die.

2. Device
We tied four servo motors on the player’s hands, chest, and back. They would be triggered when the character is attacked by a monster or bump into a wall.

(In this video, you can see that when the character's hand is bumped into a wall, the servo motor is trigger and hit the player's left hand.)
Usibility Test
Results showed physical feedback can raised the immersion and make the game more interesting.
I feel the game is interesting WITHOUT physical feedback | I feel immersion when I play the game WITHOUT physical feedback | I feel the monster is horriable when I play the game WITHOUT physical feedback |
2.8 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | 2 / 5 |
I feel the game is interesting WITH physical feedback | I feel immersion when I play the game WITH physical feedback | I feel the monster is horriable when I play the game WITH physical feedback |
4.4 / 5 | 4.2 / 5 | 2.8 / 5 |
+1.6 | +1 | +0.8 |
* In this project, I developed the game (in C#) and the program (in C) for Arduino and conducted usability test.